- Apply for Ordinary Watercourse Land Drainage Consent
- Blue Plaques Scheme
- Bulky waste collection (Daventry)
- Bulky waste collection (South Northants)
- Bulky Waste Collections (Northampton area)
- Care and Repair (Daventry)
- Chairman Engagement Form
- Clinical Incineration Bags (Daventry)
- Clinical Sharps Boxes (Daventry)
- Clinical Waste Collection (Northampton area)
- Container Requests (Northampton area)
- Council Tax - Budget and Repayment Offer Form
- Council Tax - Employment Details Form
- Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Application
- Guildhall Residential Letting Tenants Form
- Guildhall Residential Lettings Enquiry
- Hate Crime Report
- Heart of the Community Nomination
- Housing Benefit Dispute Form
- HSF6 Children Winter Coats
- Image Request
- Invest WestNorthants Aftercare Data/ Investor Perception Survey Questionnaire Form
- Invest WestNorthants Request Form
- Make a payment for highways pre-application advice
- Make a referral to the SEND Support Service for children with autism and or SEND
- Make a WNC Comment
- Make a WNC complaint
- Make a WNC compliment
- Make payment for Ordinary Watercourse Land Drainage Consent
- Missed bin collection (Northampton area)
- Museums - Collections Enquiry
- NPH Request It
- Order a registrar's copy certificate - Back office
- Overview and Scrutiny suggestion
- Proposal for a new SEND unit or Alternative Provision
- Report a Missed Bin (South Northants area)
- Report a Tenancy Fraud
- Resident Parking Permit (Daventry)
- Selling Gallery and Museum Shop Application Form
- Submit a highways pre-application enquiry
- Submit your organisation details to be added to, amended or removed from the Community and Voluntary Organisation Directory